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versão On-line ISSN 2077-2874


CAMERO MACHIN, Julio Cesar; JIMENEZ VALLADARES, Joel; GINIEBRA MARIN, Grecia María  e  ANUY ECHEVARRIA, Kiuvys. Curriculum analysis of the program of the Dermatology subject in the Medicine Degree. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2022, vol.14  Epub 30-Jun-2022. ISSN 2077-2874.


curricular planning requires changes to train a professional capable of working in correspondence with the skills and performance of the current market. A critical analysis of the study plans and programs contributes to systematizing the teaching exercise and allows identifying the reserves for improvement of the curricula.


to critically analyze the program of the Dermatology subject to determine its strengths and weaknesses, in order to contribute to its improvement.


a systematic and documentary bibliographic review was carried out to develop a reflexive critical analysis of the content of documents, which included several sources, among them: resolutions, Dermatology subject programs, original and review articles. 13 sources were selected taking into account their relevance and updating according to the objective of the work. The digital search was carried out in the SciELO, Google Scholar and Infomed databases for the last five years.


an analysis of the current Dermatology program was carried out, which achieves a systemic coherence of the basic topics of the subject that a general practitioner requires; It was considered as limitations: the decrease in class hours despite the incorporation of a new topic Nevus, tumors and precancerous dermatoses, no content on Biosafety or photo-protection appears, and the presence of organizational forms of teaching also caused dissatisfaction.


the program of the Dermatology subject is adjusted in its objectives, contents and evaluation according to the model of the professional who aspires to train, however; is capable of being perfected.

Palavras-chave : programs; Dermatology; students, education, professional; education, medical.

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