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versão On-line ISSN 2077-2874


HERRERA GOMEZ, Maylín et al. Design of an educational software for the subject of Rehabilitation II. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2022, vol.14  Epub 30-Out-2022. ISSN 2077-2874.


according to the World Health Organization, educational software has revolutionized the traditional pedagogical model towards new didactic models, where space, time and resources for learning are not limited.


to design an educational software as a bibliographic support for the Rehabilitation II subject, of the Dentistry degree.


a technological innovation research was carried out at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, during the 2018-2019 academic year. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, and inductive-deductive; Empirical ones: review of documents, unstructured interview with students from other higher years and with directors and other teachers of the faculty, and questionnaire to students. For the preparation of the educational software, the following programs were used: Notepad++, Paint, Photoshop, Microsoft Office Power Point and Wondershare Photo Story Platinum.


the documentary analysis confirmed the lack of bibliographies and teaching aids for the study and teaching of the contents of the subject, which was confirmed by the key informants. Most of the students preferred an educational software as a means of obtaining information, which was designed and valued by specialist criteria.


due to its information, educational software is a resource capable of being used as a teaching aid in the teaching and study of the subject. It was valued by specialists as a functional, applicable, attractive, feasible and original material.

Palavras-chave : schools, dental; information technology; medical informatics application; information technology management; education, medical.

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