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versão On-line ISSN 2077-2874


ALBARRAN TORRES, Felipe Antonio  e  DIAZ LARENAS, Claudio Heraldo. Active methodologies, development of conceptual learning and collaborative work in medical university students. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2022, vol.14  Epub 30-Nov-2022. ISSN 2077-2874.


the competency-based curricular approach favors the active learning of students, which allows them to develop competencies that can be projected beyond the classroom.


to determine the impact of the application of active methodologies in the development of collaborative work skills and conceptual learning in Medicine students.


a longitudinal quasi-experimental design was used with a control group and three experimental groups, it was carried out in 2019. The sample comprised 84 students (cohorts 2018 and 2019) of the Medicine degree. Active methodologies were applied to three experimental groups and the traditional expository class was used in the control group. The Group Interaction Self-Report (AIG) was the instrument used to measure collaborative work and the conceptual map to evidence the development of conceptual learning, with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.92 and 0.88, respectively. Statistical analysis considered the Friedman Rank Test for more than two related samples.


the application of active intervention methodologies favored the development of collaborative work and the level of conceptual learning compared to the control group (expository methodology), which did not achieve statistically significant results (p> .05).


active learning in students was favored by active intervention methodologies, which allowed a development of conceptual learning with a greater degree of reflection to the extent that collaborative work was developed, which in turn was strengthened over time.

Palavras-chave : competency-based education; students, medical; quality improvement; educational measurement; education, medical.

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