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versão On-line ISSN 2077-2874


PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, Bolívar Alejandro et al. Diploma for the improvement of the statistical training of the graduate in Health Information Systems. EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2022, vol.14  Epub 30-Dez-2022. ISSN 2077-2874.


perfecting knowledge on statistics of the graduates in Health Information Systems will allow them to respond to a greater extent with the demands required in their jobs.


to design a diploma course with statistical content applied to health information systems to contribute to the best performance of professionals.


a research-development was carried out in the Faculty of Nursing-Health Technology, of Santiago de Cuba University of Medical Sciences, from 2018 to 2020. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and systemic-structural; empirical ones: documentary review, interview with employers, in addition to socialization workshops and the criteria of specialists for the evaluation of the proposal.


the curricular design of the diploma course, derived from a conceived curricular management methodology, stands out for the updating and systematicity of the knowledge system it possesses, as well as for the logical order in which its courses and trainings appear, which contributes to perfect the statistical training of graduates in Health Information Systems.


the contents of the designed diploma course were tools to achieve greater job performance, by obtaining much more reliable and important results in the decision-making process. It was valued by the specialists as pertinent to achieve transformations in this important area of ​​the health branch, of great social significance.

Palavras-chave : inservice training; education, graduate education, continuing, education, medical.

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