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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2218-3620


BRIONES KUSACTAY, Víctor Hugo; VILEMA ESCUDERO, Segundo Fabián  e  MENDOZA AVILES, Henry Emilio. The social responsibility of producers and exporters of mango in Canton, Guayaquil. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.1, pp. 157-161.  Epub 02-Mar-2019. ISSN 2218-3620.

In this article we analyze the incidence of corporate social responsibility factors in mango producing and exporting companies, which is one of the fruits with the greatest national and international demand. Corporate social responsibility search the balance and well-being between individuals and the work environment where the social, economic and environmental aspects are linked for a better work performance, aligning the processes with an international quality guide to achieve improvements in these practices within the companies. From the analysis of data, conclusive results are derived, which indicate that mango producers and exporters must not only focus on the quality of the product and the service they offer, but also on acting in a socially responsible manner with the individuals and the environment that it surrounds them by applying the seven principles of corporate social responsibility based on the guidance of the ISO 26000 standard.

Palavras-chave : ISO 26000; Corporate Social Responsibility; Global GAP; agricultural practices.

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