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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2218-3620


GORDILLO MERA, Sabina Marlene; GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ-LARREA, Mercedes  e  BATISTA MAINEGRA, Amado. Promotion and rescue of local cultural traditions in basic education teacher trainees of the National University of Loja. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.1, pp. 167-176.  Epub 02-Fev-2021. ISSN 2218-3620.

This research was conducted with the aim of promoting and rescuing local cultural traditions in undergraduates of Basic Education at the National University of Loja, taking into consideration the significance of this process for their personal and professional growing. The objective is to design alternatives for the promotion of local cultural traditions in their education. The techniques for the collection of information used were the documentary analysis and the survey, given to 27 students of the 7th cycle of this course. The results obtained showed that there is no support to the promotion and rescue of cultural traditions, thus researchers have made considerations upon the importance of including contents on the promotion and rescue of the cultural traditions of the province of Loja in a transversal way. They set forth a system of activities that encourage the recognition of cultural traditions. On the other hand, they stated that in the Basic Education major there is no dissemination about the promotion and rescue of the local cultural traditions of the province of Loja, nor is there any attention paid to these issues. there is urging need of a project that integrates the promotion and rescue of traditions in the educational process. In conclusion, it is important to insert contents related to the promotion and rescue of local cultural traditions in teacher-training courses, in order to favor the cultural development of the territory.

Palavras-chave : Learning; teacher training; promotion and rescue; local cultural traditions.

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