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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2218-3620


CABEZA GARCIA, Pedro Manuel. Theoretical considerations of emotionality in the teaching-learning process of mathematics. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2021, vol.13, n.3, pp. 201-210.  Epub 02-Jun-2021. ISSN 2218-3620.

It follows that the perceptual processes generated or modified from classroom practice in mathematics classes are significantly regulated by biopsychosocial components. Hence, the presence of some anomalies and deformations prior to mathematical understanding is observed in the student with which he perceives and constructs the world and which are manifested in the classrooms, and his learning. Consequently, it is conjectured that from these regulations weaknesses and counterproductive effects are generated when forming the numerical, heuristic and representative competencies of complex knowledge, included in the mathematics school curricula. The approximate theoretical contribution in this article through a documentary-based research with the purpose of expanding and deepening the knowledge of the influence of emotionality in the teaching-learning of Mathematics, based on existing bibliographic and documentary sources on the subject under study, reaching the conclusion that emotions do regulate the teaching-learning process of mathematics.

Palavras-chave : Emotionality; learning; mathematics.

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