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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2218-3620


SEPULVEDA OBREQUE, Alejandro; VILLALOBOS CLAVERIA, Alejandro; PENA TRONCOSO, Sebastián  e  OPAZO SALVATIERRA, Margarita. Transversal learning in the textbooks of natural sciences and history in Chilean basic education. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2022, vol.14, n.5, pp. 88-98.  Epub 30-Out-2022. ISSN 2218-3620.

The article examines the presence of the transversal learning objectives in the educational activities employed in the student's textbooks for the subjects of Natural Sciences and History, Geography and Social Sciences in 8th grade. A mixed methodology was used, through a descriptive and documentary analysis through percentages. The technique to search the data was observation and its instrument; the checklist, which was built from the Curriculum Bases and validated by expert criteria. It was possible to verify, in the school texts, the presence of all the transversal dimensions declared in the Curricular Bases. The areas of the dimensions where the highest amount of transversal skills was found was the affective (58,6%), followed by socio-cultural (23,5%), information and communication technologies (10,9%) and ethics training (6,9%). In conclusion, the affective dimension, which promotes the growth and personal development of students through the formation of a personal identity and the strengthening of self-esteem, is the most declared in the texts. On the other hand, the moral dimension that mobilizes the formulation of ethical judgments about reality, placing itself in it as moral.

Palavras-chave : Transversal skills; School texts; Primary education; Curricular bases; Orientation.

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