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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2218-3620


LOPEZ BORGES, Zenaida  e  DIAZ MACHADO, Kisimira. Latin American critical thought: theoretical approach to pluralist epistemology and epistemological pluralism. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2022, vol.14, n.6, pp. 430-439.  Epub 30-Dez-2022. ISSN 2218-3620.

Modern epistemology has been characterized by rejecting any attempt to think about knowledge on the basis of culture or particular contexts. This tendency grants universality and validity to scientific knowledge above other types of knowledge. In response to this, from the sixties of the last century, new visions about the construction of knowledge emerged in Latin American thought that constitute a revolutionary turn for the region in the epistemological field. Due to the importance of this topic, this article aims to explain the main contemporary epistemological trends that make up Latin American epistemological pluralism. To develop it, theoretical methods such as logical historical analysis and synthetic analytics were used. The documentary analysis constituted the fundamental technique in the work with the primary and secondary sources. The realization of this article leads to the conclusion that a large part of the canons imposed by Western rationality are inoperative in relation to the production of knowledge in Latin America and that epistemological thinking proposes theories and criteria for the validation of knowledge that, articulated with diversity cultural, interculturality and contextuality give legitimacy to marginalized knowledge.

Palavras-chave : epistemology; epistemological pluralism; knowledge; interculturality.

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