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Revista Universidad y Sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2218-3620


HASHIMOVA, Aybeniz. Mythological thought in Jafar Jabbarli’s creation. Universidad y Sociedad [online]. 2023, vol.15, n.2, pp. 169-176.  Epub 30-Abr-2023. ISSN 2218-3620.

Mythological thinking study is important because it helps us understand the world around us in a symbolic way, to interpret the events in our lives in a meaningful way helping us to make sense of the patterns and cycles that shape it. It can also help us to gain insight into our own motivations and actions and can provide us with a better understanding of our own identity. Azerbaijani mythology is very rich, and its expression in artistic works is very varied, but in our opinion the work of Jafar Jabbarli has a special place. Therefore, the objective of this work was to analyze the expressions of mythological thought in the work of Azerbaijani artist Jafar Jabbarli, specifically in the work “The Bride of Fire”. It is shown how the author formed concepts such as mythological symbol, chronotope and mythological thinking in the reader throughout his work improving the possibilities of mutual manifestation of the view of faith in written literature and national consciousness, precisely on the basis of ethnic consciousness. It is concluded that by basing the drama "Bride of Fire" on the model of myth, he did not aim to create an external effect, but first of all, he took the initiative to illuminate his ideas about man and his pain, joy, problems, spiritual and moral world in a different way.

Palavras-chave : "Bride of Fire"; Mythological symbol thinking; Cosmological myth; Artistic creativity.

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