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Revista Finlay

versão On-line ISSN 2221-2434


RODRIGUEZ, Raidel González. Results of Periodic Health Examination of Older Adults. Rev. Finlay [online]. 2020, vol.10, n.2, pp. 89-96.  Epub 30-Jun-2020. ISSN 2221-2434.


periodical health examination is a tool the family doctor uses to begin the process of evaluation in older adults.


to describe the results of periodical health examinations in the University Polyclinic Pedro Borrás Astorga.


a cross study was conducted at the University Polyclinic Pedro Borrás Astorga in Pinar del Río during in 2018. The sample was 7 337 older adults. Data were collected from clinical histories so as from the health periodical examinations realized. The variables under study were: patient general information, dispense group, number of periodical health exams according to the year, affections regarding geriatric scale and general state. Data statistic processing was done using absolute frequency and percentages


female sex predominated with 54,6 %, so as the age group of 65 or more 68,6 %. Despense group III prevailed 82,6 % mainly in women. The number of health periodical exams was higher in 2016, 3 885 compared to previous years where affections according to the geriatric scale showed use of drugs in 52,2 % of the patients. Global functional state was higher to the fragile level in 72,6 %.


there was a preponderance of the female sex so as the age group of 65 and more. Dispense group III predominated and the number of periodical health exams in 2016 regarding previous years, affections with respect to the geriatric scale evidenced the use of drugs so as a superiority of the global functional state.

Palavras-chave : physical examination; physicians family; physicians primary care; aged; primary health care; comprehensive health care.

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