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Ciencia y Deporte

versão On-line ISSN 2223-1773


CARMENATE FIGUEREDO, Yorisel Oriana; CURBEIRA HERNANDEZ, Domingo; NARANJO LOBAINA, Amanda  e  TOLEDO SANCHEZ, Marisol. A System of Teaching Tasks to Train the Specific Professional Skill Designing Community Projects. Ciencia y Deporte [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.3, pp. 395-410.  Epub 07-Set-2023. ISSN 2223-1773.


The acquisition of professional skills has always been dealt with by science; hence, teaching tasks as components of the teaching process from the existing structural ties reveal its usefulness to create specific professional skills.


To suggest a system of teaching tasks for the creation of this specific professional skill: to design community projects through the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture.


Some of the methods used in this study were documentary analysis, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and survey, as well as methods and statistical-mathematical procedures.


According to the theoretical results of this research, the actions and logical operations of the specific professional skill designing community projects in the Bachelor Degree of Physical Culture students are identified according to the stages of the logical modeling method through the heuristic principle of analogy. The potentialities of the main integrating discipline, and particularly, the on-the-job-research practices III were taken into consideration to complete the acquisition of the skill, and design teaching tasks as a system, to favor the skill acquisition process. These teaching tasks are recommended following the actions and operations of the specific professional skill identified.


there are other specific professional skills that still show insufficient treatment from research for the sake of their training, which limits the graduate from adequately fulfilling his community social role.

Palavras-chave : Teaching tasks; acquisition; specific professional skill; designing community projects..

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