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vol.27 número3Integración de la Química General en la carrera de Ingeniería CivilCaracterización química del agua de maceración del maíz de la UEB Glucosa Cienfuegos y la obtenida empleando Green Sulf índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Química

versão On-line ISSN 2224-5421


LAZO-FRAGA, Ana R et al. Evaluation of different aroylthioureas as ionophores in sensor of lead (II). Rev Cub Quim [online]. 2015, vol.27, n.3, pp. 262-274. ISSN 2224-5421.

A solid state electrodes for potentiometric determination of Pb(II) ions were constructed. For this purpose PVC membranes that contained disubstituted aroylthiourea as ionophore were employed. When 1-furoyl-3,3-diethylthiourea and 1-benzoyl-3,3-diethylthiourea were use in the electrode have a logarithmic relationship of the Nernst type. In both case, the linear rage are between 10-6-10-3 mol /L and also were observed a good sensitivity to Pb(II) ion, and a detection limits of 10-6 mol / L. These devices have lower response times than 20 seconds and lifetimes of 30 and 90 days, respectively. In both electrodes, Cu(II), Hg(II), Ag(I) are interferences. The Cd(II) cation is an interference in a lesser extent.

Palavras-chave : ion selective electrode Pb ( II); 1-furoyl-3,3-diethylthiourea and 1-benzoyl-3,3-diethylthiourea.

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