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Revista Cubana de Química

versão On-line ISSN 2224-5421


CRUZ-MORALES, Jorge A; VARGAS, Joel; SANTIAGO, Arlette A  e  TLENKOPATCHEV, Mikhail A. Gas permeability in hydrogenated polynorbornene imides. Rev Cub Quim [online]. 2015, vol.27, n.3, pp. 308-314. ISSN 2224-5421.

The present investigation was focused in the synthesis of polynorbornen derivated with fluoride groups, and the use in the separation of gases. It was carried out the synthesis of the monomer N-3,5-bis(trifluoromethyll)phenil-7exo-endo-norbornen-5,6-dicarboximida (1), which polymerized via metathesis for ring opening (ROMP) using alkylidene-ruthenium catalysts. Later on, the catalytic hydrogenation of the obtained polymer (2) was made with the purpose of carrying out a comparative study of the properties of permeation of gases in the obtained membranes, no saturated (2) and saturated (3). The studied gases were: H2, O2, N2, CO2, CH4, C2H6, C2H4 and C3H6. The results suggest that the hydrogenation of the main chain of the polymer diminishes the free volume that which causes that the resulting polymer (3) shows a small decrease in the permeability. This contrasts with the significant improvements in the thermo-oxidative stability.

Palavras-chave : permeability; gas; membrane; metathesis; hydrogenation.

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