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Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba

versão On-line ISSN 2304-0106


TRAPERO QUINTANA, Adrian David et al. Diversity of the dragonflies of Cuba. Anales de la ACC [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.2  Epub 20-Jun-2022. ISSN 2304-0106.


Dragonflies are hemimetabolous predatory insects, which belong to the order Odonata with approximately 6,000 species, grouped into two suborders. The objectives of this study were to characterize and update the systematics of the order Odonata, its geographical and temporary distribution; to characterize, besides, their genetic diversity, ecology of populations, and both adult and larvae assemblies, emergency pattern from exuvias, as well as to describe aspects of their reproductive ecology, in diverse habitats of the Cuban archipelago for conservation purposes.


Specimens and data were collected in 50 locations in Cuba, from 1995 to the present with aerial and aquatic nets. Four sites in Santiago de Cuba were selected to study the larvae, exuviae and the emergency pattern. The climate variables were recorded during the low-rain and rainy periods. The specimens were processed in the laboratories of the universities of Havana and Oriente; the extraction of DNA was completed in Vigo. Tests of normality, Pearson correlation, principal components, Maximum Likelihood and estimation of ecological niche were used.


The Cuban fauna of odonates includes 88 species, in six families, 41 genera and six of them are endemic. The larvae of three species are described and dichotomous keys were elaborated for larvae and adults from Cuba and the Antilles. The geographical distribution of dragonflies in Cuba was updated and, by using genetic data and population ecology, a proposal for conservation strategies for Hypolestes is presented. Permanent rivers and lagoons favor dragonfly assemblies with high equitability. To record the maximum number of species, it was estimated that 30 weekly samples of exuvia collection are needed. Five groups of larvae were created using morphology and functional attributes, and it was found that the emergence pattern was broad and unsynchronized, due to the presence of accidental and multivoltine species. The phylogenetic analyses revealed four Antillean lineages for Hypolestes, with inferences of the effect of climate change, flight period, longevity and environmental assessment as bioindicators of aquatic ecosystems.

Palavras-chave : zygoptera; anisoptera; emergence; phylogeny; conservation.

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