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Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba

versão On-line ISSN 2304-0106


GONZALEZ GARCES, Yasmany; RODRIGUEZ LABRADA, Roberto; TORRES VEGA, Reidenis  e  VELAZQUEZ PEREZ, Luis. Methods for the evaluation of the gait and posture in patients with hereditaryataxias. Anales de la ACC [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.2  Epub 20-Jun-2022. ISSN 2304-0106.

The analysis of the gait and posture is useful for the study of hereditary ataxias. The clinical test does not offer objective information of alterations of its parameters. Instrumental methods provide quantitative measures to describe progress disorders and posture. The main instrumental methods used are the movement capture videographic, the pressure sensitive gateway system GaitRite and the inertial sensor system APDM Mobility Lab. The most reported alterations in patients with ataxia are decreased cadence; stride length, gait speed, increase in double support of lower limb, length and acceleration of postural sway. The most advantageous method is the system of inertial sensors. The alterations detected with instrumental methods provide valuable information in the early detection of ataxias, their progression and to measure the response to therapeutic interventions.

Palavras-chave : hereditary ataxias; APDM Mobility Lab; GaitRite; gait; videographic methods; posture; SARA; inertial sensors.

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