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vol.11 número1Sistema integrado de costos de calidad y medio ambiente para la gestión y la sostenibilidad empresarial índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Retos de la Dirección

versão On-line ISSN 2306-9155


GAMEZ ADAME, Luis Carlos; JOYA ARREOLA, Roberto  e  GARCIA LOPEZ, Héctor Gabriel. Analysis of Mexican Environmental Financial Budgeting. Rev retos [online]. 2017, vol.11, n.1, pp. 4-20. ISSN 2306-9155.

The developmental stages of Mexican environmental financial budgeting were identified. The methods used in the study were the historic-logical, deductive, and analysis and synthesis. The predominant techniques used were document review and interviews. The research showed that there are still gaps within the environmental-economic instruments. As a result, a need for tailored methodologies of environmental financial budgeting was observed.

Palavras-chave : sustainability; environmental management; environmental financial budgeting.

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