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Retos de la Dirección

versão On-line ISSN 2306-9155


HARTMAN ROMERO, Gretell; RUIZ QUESADA, Sonia Caridad  e  SAUMELL FONSECA, Elena. Evaluation of Airport Handling Services in an International Airport. Rev retos [online]. 2021, vol.15, n.1, pp. 61-87.  Epub 25-Mar-2021. ISSN 2306-9155.


To evaluate the level of handling services at Antonio Maceo Grajales International Airport, and to propose improvement actions.


Econometric techniques (exponential isolation) to estimate the demand of these services; the Fischer survey for internal customers, and SERVQUAL questionnaire for external customers. The quantitative analysis consisted in calculating airport capacities, and their relation to demands, whereas qualitative analysis focused on assessment of services to internal and external customers.


To achieve the aim of research, a procedure to make quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the level of airport handling services was designed. It helped identify the main problems of this service, and to recommend improvement actions to optimize the decision-making process.


The entity was in possession of a theoretical and practical tool that helped detect, among others, the existence of infrastructure sub-utilization and excess in capacities compared to the demand. The action plan is directed to increasing customer satisfaction.

Palavras-chave : airport capacities; airport handling; service level.

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