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Retos de la Dirección

versão On-line ISSN 2306-9155


TRISTA ARBESU, Grisel  e  PALACIOS HIDALGO, Ángela. Particularities and Pertinence of Public or State-Owned Companies. Rev retos [online]. 2021, vol.15, n.2, pp. 223-246.  Epub 28-Ago-2021. ISSN 2306-9155.


To explain the pertinence of public or state-owned companies. The debate on the existence and suitability of public company, state company or state-owned company, has garnered top interest. In the global economies, state company privatization has been one of the most commonly implemented public policies in recent years. In Cuba, state companies are the main subject of the national economy. The particular challenge in the Cuban case has to do with managing these companies into innovating, effective, and efficient generators of high quality goods and services, all of which moves through adequate management by the state.


The theoretical method used was documentary review, particularly the analysis of legal standards from countries, reports issued by the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development, programmatic documents of Cuba, and the scientific literature.


The importance and pertinence of public or state-owned companies was corroborated, in addition to the need of placing a balanced, orderly, and reciprocal relationship between the state and companies.


These companies are concentrated in strategic sectors, with a high impact on society; the body that manages state property for public benefit and satisfaction. Their position is outstanding within the basic services, infrastructure or strategic sectors, and the national defense.

Palavras-chave : public or state-owned company; public company pertinence; public policies; state-company relationship.

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