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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119


CASTANEDA GUILLOT, Carlos. Fecal microbiota’s transplant. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 2019, vol.91, n.3  Epub 01-Set-2019. ISSN 1561-3119.


Fecal microbiota´s transplant (TMF, by its acronym in Spanish) is based on the infusion of fecal material from a healthy subject to another patient due to a specific condition related to intestinal microbiota dysbiosis. Among the indications used with promising results in the last 20 years are the ones used for the infection by Clostridium difficile.


To analyze the most advanced knowledge and advantages of TMF in different conditions in humans, especially in childhood


Publications on this condition in Spanish and English in PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO and Latindex databases from 2015 to January 30, 2019 were reviewed.


Historical background, criteria for indication of TMF, donor’s selection procedure, preparation and preservation of fecal material, administration routes, risks and adverse effects, and results achieved in recent years worldwide are determined. 90 % resolution of symptoms in recurrent infection by Clostridium difficile is described.

Final considerations:

The TMF is an effective and safe treatment, easy to perform and of good tolerance, with economic and scientific impact, whose main indication approved by international organizations of the medical community is the recurrent infection or relapse of Clostriium difficile in adults and children. Other indications tested are chronic intestinal inflammatory diseases, especially ulcerative colitis; irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic diseases as obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2, and neuropsychiatric ones that are associated with imbalance of the intestinal microbiota.

Palavras-chave : fecal microbiota transplant; children; adults; Clostridium difficile infection; treatment; intestinal microbiota.

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