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Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia

versão On-line ISSN 1561-2996


CALA CALVINO, Leidys; CRUZ VADELL, Haydee  e  MORRIS QUEVEDO, Humberto Joaquín. Effects of soy lecithin on hematological parameters and systemic inflammatory markers of rats. Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter [online]. 2024, vol.40  Epub 10-Jun-2024. ISSN 1561-2996.


The study of the preclinical pharmacological effects of soy lecithin on hematological parameters and systemic inflammatory markers, will contribute to support the foundations of its possible use as a natural medication.


To determine the effects of soy lecithin on hematological parameters and systemic inflammatory markers of Wistar rats.


An experimental preclinical pharmacology study was conducted, in which soy lecithin was administered in maximum and minimum doses of two experimental Wistar rats. Hematological variables were estimated to be compared to the control group, differential counting and global leukocyte count according to advanced formula as an indirect indicative of immunocompetence was determined. The neutrophil-linfocyte (N/LR) and the platelet-linfocyte ratio (P/LR) were calculated as systemic inflammatory markers. The existence of medium and ranges differences of the different variables between the groups was revealed by the Kruskal-Wallis test of independent samples with a level of significance of p<0.05.


Leukopenia, increased platelet count and alterations of inflammation related to inflammation and immunity dose-related were observed in both experimental groups. The N/LR and P/LR were proportionally increased with the dose and the system of systemic immunity and inflammation is increased with minimal dose and tends to decrease with maximum dose.


The product modifies hematological parameters in rats, but other controlled studies are required that corroborate the state of immunocompetence, taking into consideration what systemic inflammatory markers express.

Palavras-chave : preclinic pharmacology; soy lecithin; hematological parameters; systemic inflammatory markers.

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