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versão On-line ISSN 1814-151X


DALAMA TCHIPACO, André Artur; LEYVA PEREZ, Yuniel  e  PUPO GONZALEZ, Diana Rosa. The systemic structuring of cytohistological content in the teaching-learning process of Biology. Luz [online]. 2024, vol.23, n.1  Epub 15-Mar-2024. ISSN 1814-151X.

The teaching-learning process of biological disciplines in the Angolan context is undergoing a process of improvement in terms of implementing different ways of methodological work, consequently, the teaching of cytohistological content is a valuable tool in the graduate undergoing training. The application of research methods of the theoretical and empirical level, among which the survey, the interview and the review of documents stand out, allow us to verify that there are still limitations on how to systemically structure the cytohistological content as it is not based on the referents of the Bachelor in Biology. That is why there is a need to develop a methodological approach for the systemic structuring of the cytohistological content in the teaching-learning process of Biology at the University Cuito Cuanavale that allows the self-management of knowledge, which constitutes process and result as dynamic elements during the appropriation of university learning.

Palavras-chave : systemic structuring; cytohistology; cytohistological content; teaching-learning process.

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