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Revista Estudios del Desarrollo Social: Cuba y América Latina

versão On-line ISSN 2308-0132


DIAZ, Ileana; FERRE, Zuleika  e  PASTORI, Héctor. Analysis of Entrepreneurship in Cuba Based on Opinion Surveys. Estudios del Desarrollo Social [online]. 2020, vol.8, n.3  Epub 10-Dez-2020. ISSN 2308-0132.

This study is the result of three surveys of Cuban experts, university students and recent graduates, conducted between 2015 and 2016. The assessment of the actors interviewed on how the environment influences the development of new businesses is analyzed in a comparative manner, regarding educational, social, cultural, political and economic issues and the individual attributes that affect the perception of business opportunities. Among the main results is the fact that there is a strong economic motivation that drives the participation of young people in private businesses. However, there is a set of constraints that influence business management, such as lack of funding, no formality, absence of a supply network and difficulty to incorporate technology.

Palavras-chave : economic development; self-employment; private sector.

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