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Revista Cubana de Pediatría

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3119


NAZABAL COWAN, Jorge Ignacio; MENDEZ ROSADO, Luis Alberto; LAVISTA GONZALEZ, Martha  e  QUINTANA AGUILAR, Jorge. Cromodat: sistema automatizado de gestión de datos sobre pacientes de diagnóstico pre y posnatal citogenético. Rev Cubana Pediatr [online]. 1997, vol.69, n.2, pp. 139-144. ISSN 1561-3119.

A program called Cromodat has been created at the Cytogenetics Department of the National Center of Medical Genetics, where the cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis (CPD) is made and the chromosomatic study of couples suspected of chromosomopathies is conducted. This program is implemented in Foxpro, and includes in a database of 4 different tables (files with DBF extension), according to the type of sample that allows the obtention of the karyotype, the clinical results of interest, and the name and address of each patient with the result of the examination. It also makes possible in an easy and fast way to perform operations such as: to add new patients to the database, to localize those already incorporated by several ways of access, to complete the information on each one, to list them according to different search conditions, and to print in a form the results of the study. It is possible to make and print general reports corresponding to a preselected time interval, too.


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