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Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3046


SANABRIA BLANCO, Olga Lidia et al. Characterization of patients with an anatomopathological diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease. Rev. cuban. med. mil. [online]. 2023, vol.52, n.4  Epub 01-Dez-2023. ISSN 1561-3046.


In Cuba, cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are very common non-communicable chronic conditions.


Characterize patients from intensive care unit with a pathological diagnosis of CVD.


Observational, descriptive and transversal study in a sample of 176 patients. Variables: age (19-39 years, 40-59 years, 60-100 years), sex, type of CVD (hemorrhagic, ischemic), APACHE II scale (≤ 15, > 15 score) and Glasgow coma on admission (≤ 8, > 8 score), mechanical ventilation (yes, no), length of stay (≤ 7, > 7 days) and direct cause of death. Frequencies, measures of central tendency, chi-square and Student's t tests (significance level of 5%) were calculated.


Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease, male sex (52.8%) and the age group of 60-100 years (64.8%) predominated. The mean age was 63.8 years. The average value of the APACHE II and Glasgow scales was 21.6 and 6.5. 97.6% received mechanical ventilation. The mean stay was 7.0 days. Severe cerebral edema was the main cause of direct death (79.3%).


There is a predominance of hemorrhagic CVD, in male patients, aged 60-100 years, APACHE II score > 15, Glasgow score ≤ 8, ventilated patients, stay ≤ 7 days and intense cerebral edema.

Palavras-chave : cerebrovascular diseases; intensive care unit; diagnosis; autopsy.

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