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Cultivos Tropicales

versão On-line ISSN 1819-4087


SALOMON, J. L et al. Analysis of progeny-environment interaction with seedling tubers of true potato seed (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Cuba. cultrop [online]. 2015, vol.36, n.2, pp. 83-89. ISSN 1819-4087.

During crop years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 at three locations ( National Institute of Agricultural Sciences-Mayabeque , Agricultural Enterprise “V. Lenin”-Matanzas and Agricultural Enterprise “La Cuba”-Ciego de Ávila), 13 progenies from seedling tubers were evaluated and three witnesses varieties (Romano, Spunta and Cal White). Number of tubers per plant, yield per hectare (t ha-1) and incidence of spots on the foliage by the fungus Alternaria solani Soraeur were recorded. The data were processed by analysis of variance, and adjusted with additive main effects and multiplicative interaction model (AMMI) to the characters which was significant genotype environment interaction was adjusted. The sexual progeny Lajera x 6-3-98 were stable for tuber number and yield in six environments studied. The Lajera x 6-3-98, Lajera x 9-80-98, progenies were stable for yield and average tuber mass in the six environments studied. The progeny Samila x 2-130-98, Yara x 1-10-96, Yara x 9-80-98, Atlantic x Aninca y Samila x 6-3-98, were the most unstable for the three studied traits but specific adaptation in each locality. These contrasts in the agronomic performance of the progeny of sexual seed suggest the need to evaluate the materials in each production area

Palavras-chave : potato; sexuwal progeny; cultivar; environment; stability; yield.

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