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Cultivos Tropicales

versão On-line ISSN 1819-4087


BLANCO-VALDES, Yaisys; DURANONA, Hauary  e  ACOSTA-ROCA, Rosa. The effect of temperature and humidity on maize grains conservation in metal silos. cultrop [online]. 2016, vol.37, n.4, pp. 105-114. ISSN 1819-4087.

In humid tropical regions, dominated by high temperature and relative humidity, grain and seed conservation is a big challenge. Under these ecological conditions the development of the main factors that cause losses in grain and seed is favored; so ensuring grain storage after harvest has been of great concern. From this a research was carried out in the "Rubén Martínez Villena" town old sugarmill of the same name located in Aguacate Village, Madruga, Mayabeque province, with the aim of studying the behavior of the temperature and humidity relative variables on grain corn in metal silos for storage. The experiment consisted of two containers with corn grains, one with virgin grain and other with processed grain by a dryer, this will give us the possibility to check the efficiency of the drying process for grain stored for a long time. Besides, it gives us a sense of the loss and damage that can occur in a process of long-term storage without prior preparation of the grains. Among the main results of the research in general, it was found that the treated grains of corn were at a lower temperature and relative humidity of the grain, which affected the percentage of damaged grains which decreased when grains were treated through of a pre- storage drying process that had economically impacted because had less losses on money

Palavras-chave : Zea mays; storage; grains.

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