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vol.25 número2Motivación en educandos del Programa Nacional en Medicina Integral ComunitariaÍndice de Dificultad del examen de Morfofisiología Humana I índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Educación Médica Superior

versão impressa ISSN 0864-2141


TIO TORRIENTE, Lázaro; ESTRADA SENTI, Vivian; GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ, Walfredo  e  RODRIGUEZ ORTEGA, Rolando. Instrument and informatic tool for guiding, controling and evaluating the interactions among students in the virtual forum. Educ Med Super [online]. 2011, vol.25, n.2, pp. 59-96. ISSN 0864-2141.

The objective of the paper was to provide the professors who use the information and communication technologies for the teaching and learning process with an instrument called "The ten emoticons" on one hand, and with an informatic tool called Net@nalisis on the other. The former allows the analysis of the content of interactions and of the performance of the students in the forum within the virtual learning environment whereas the latter provides graphic representation of structural diagrams of the interaction model of both the student and the group carrying out their activities in the forum. The implementation of the instrument and the informatic tool makes it possible for the professor to supervise, guide and evaluate the process of learning, formation and development of the whole group within the virtual learning environment.

Palavras-chave : Instrument; informatic tool; interactions; forum.

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