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Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey

versão On-line ISSN 1025-0255


GUTIERREZ BLANCO, Mario; SANCHEZ BEJARANO, Orlando; REYES CASALES, Reynaldo  e  ORDONES OLAZABAL, Reynaldo. Dynamic stabilization of the acromioclavicular luxation, grade III. Unmobilization with converted Vepeaux. AMC [online]. 2001, vol.5, n.1, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1025-0255.

A study of 22 patiens with diagnosis of acromioclavicular luxation , grade III, meedical surgical treatment, assisted in the Military Hsopital of Camagüey for evaluating dynamic stabilization of the acromio clavicular joint with the technique of coracoid apohysis transposition at the inferior edge of the clavicle, 81,7% of our patients were masculine with ages of 15 to 30. The converted Vepeaux was used as unmobilization during two weeks and afterwards a continuation of the early rehabilitation less than 6 weeks performed. We found as transoperatory complications a fracture of coracoids apohysis and a vascular lesion, as well as a sepsis caused by the acromio clavicular artrhitis in a lately diagnosed case. Results were good in more than 90% of cases.


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