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vol.31 número2Correlación inversa entre los niveles séricos de anticuerpos antineumocócicos y ferritina después de la vacunación antineumocócica de pacientes con beta talasemia mayor esplenectomizadosPercepción del riesgo biológico en el proceso productivo de la vacuna contra la peste porcina clásica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 1025-0298


PEROJO-BELLIDO DE LUNA, Alicia Margarita; AGUILERA-CORRALES, Yuri; VILLAR-ANEIROS, Annette  e  AVILES-AGUILERA, Yudisleydis de la Caridad. Characterization of the wasteswater generated in the production of conjugated monovalent at the Finlay Vaccine Institute. Vaccimonitor [online]. 2022, vol.31, n.2, pp. 60-67.  Epub 01-Ago-2022. ISSN 1025-0298.

At present, the pollution of terrestrial waters is a serious environmental problem. The drug industry is one of those that produces a greater impact, due to the great variety of chemicals that can contribute to the water; its effluents generally have associated high non-biodegradable organic loads. The preservation of the quality of terrestrial waters is a subject regulated by legislation, where the characterization of wastewater is required before its discharge, since it allows evaluating the environmental impact it produces and designing the appropriate system for its treatment. The Finlay Vaccine Institute, belongs to the BioCubaFarma group, is a full cycle company, has nine facilities, five of them are generators of large volumes of industrial wastewater. The current work presents the results obtained in the evaluation of the physical-chemical parameters of the liquid waste from the production process of monovalent conjugates, for this the liquid waste generated at the end of each stage of the process was sampled. Pollution indicators were determined: pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and sedimentable solids. The results were compared with the maximum permissible limits established in NC-27: 2012 for the discharge of wastewater. The biodegradability index was also calculated. It was shown that some of the determined parameters do not comply with the discharge to release to the sewer system, which could have a negative impact on water resources.

Palavras-chave : waste water; drug industry; pollution indicators; water pollution.

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