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Revista Médica Electrónica

versão On-line ISSN 1684-1824


BETANCOURT REYES, Gilberto Lázaro. Controversies of the non-invasive mechanical ventilation in severe asthma. Rev.Med.Electrón. [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.1, pp. 2954-2962.  Epub 28-Fev-2021. ISSN 1684-1824.

Asthma is an obstructive disease in which, respiratory resistances are increased. The factors responsible for this increase in resistance are bronchospasm, inflammation and remodeling of the airway with reduction of its diameter. Much remains to be known and studied, but we know that noninvasive ventilation (NIV), as a new form of ventilatory support that has been growing in recent decades, has numerous benefits in medical practice. Although some research raises the controversy about the use of NIV in severe asthma, we want to do with the present work an approach to several of the studies that have been carried out where they totally justify the use of it as a measure of success in managing asthma, with positive and successful results. Where he has tried to improve the functional situation and reduce the need for hospital admission, alleviating muscle exhaustion and thus improving breathing work. There is still enough way to go with this variant of ventilation that has emerged and taken shape for all the achievements and expectations it has come to fulfill.

Palavras-chave : non-invasive ventilation; severe asthma; management in the emergency health services.

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