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versão On-line ISSN 1729-8091

EduSol vol.22 no.80 Guantánamo jul.-set. 2022  Epub 20-Jul-2022



Proenza Brown, M. (2017). Learn how to apply makeup. Review

0000-0003-2139-0290Migdalia Lores Lara1  * 

1Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba.

Technical Vocational Education (TVE) gives students the opportunity to better discover their talents, allowing them to adapt to the changes brought about by new technologies and new ways of working. It offers the theoretical and methodological support to carry out a given action.

The text presented here is used as reference material to be taught in TVE, as well as for all personnel involved in this activity. It shows concrete examples of how to awaken and maintain the client's interest and communication skills in the provision of services.

In the book "Learn how to apply make-up", the author aims to use it as a tool to apply make-up without the need to go to a professional.

Based on her work experiences, Proenza (2017), expresses in this book in clear language how to prepare young people to participate in today's labor market.

The writer Marelis Proenza Brown, (Guantánamo, 1959), has a degree in Economics and is a professional stylist with more than three decades of experience in the profession. She has published several books that are in great demand by the population and have been marketed in Cuba and abroad as a sign that they are accepted for being practical, simple and within the reach of the whole society. Some of them are: “The art of hairdressing" (Ed. Oriente, 2013); an article entitled: “Contributions of the self-employed to local development, based on knowledge to create skills and competence" (Multimedia Interactive Tecnogest Memories, 2015); "Homemade beauty recipes" (Ed. El Mar y la Montaña 2016); "Beauty service" (Ed. Pueblo y Educación, 2019). She graduated as a University Specialist in Cosmetics and Dermopharmacy from Miguel de Cervantes University in Spain and Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine: Facial Treatments from Euroinnova a diploma center in Spain. She holds a Certificate for having passed the Aesthetic Dermotrichology Level 1 course (2020) from The Beauty Academy of the International Training Center. The World Association of Beauty Educators awarded her the Certificate of "Teacher Training Course in Online Course Delivery" (2021), for her participation in the online training program. She is an active promoter of beauty topics on radio and television. She teaches courses at the Women and Family Orientation House in her province.

The text under analysis, published by Oriente Publishing House in 2017, has an introduction where a historical account of Cosmetology in Prehistory, in Egypt, Greece, Rome, from the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the present day.

It is structured in twelve chapters. First, it gives a historical overview of cosmetology, then it deals with the subject of simple, natural and professional make-up; it continues with eye make-up, skin, hair removal, nails, mouth, hair, homemade beauty recipes and finally it ends with a brief glossary. The text reveals clarity, coherence, and conciseness in its themes, showing simple, clear and concrete examples.

It deals with the first and most important step before applying make-up, skin care, so it is necessary to moisturize the skin to begin to give it light with a good illuminator that highlights the features of the face because it helps to accentuate the features of the face and give it more life and color. It is important to do it well because it can change the visual form of others and is a support to the self-esteem of a woman. It is commonly applied to the eyelids, lips and cheeks, among other places. Many people, especially women, use makeup before attending social gatherings.

It highlights the importance of makeup as a decorative art, it is able to accentuate the features of the face and give a more beautiful appearance allowing raising the ego of the person, improving their self-esteem and where the stylist plays a key role, as it must correctly guide their customers and provide an advisory service of self-makeup.

This work also alludes to natural resources, which more than being fashionable, constitute an important source within production and technology; they are there, at our fingertips: aromatic herbs, plants, flowers, vegetables, roots and fruits. The beauty secrets of our grandmothers are taken up again, today demanded by specialists in the profession who use them to produce cosmetics from these natural products.

Undoubtedly, it is feasible to use this text as a bibliography because, in addition to what has been expressed, the topics included in it have a higher level of actuality by considering in the theoretical and practical order aspects not addressed in previously published books.

To culminate the analysis of the text, the phrase that identifies the author is exposed:

"Beauty pleases the eyes, exalts the soul and conquers the heart"

Referencias bibliográficas

Proenza Brown, M.(2017). Aprenda a maquillarse. Santiago de Cuba. Ed. Oriente. [ Links ]

Received: May 12, 2022; Accepted: June 18, 2022

*Autor por correspondencia:

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