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vol.6 número1La educación en el trabajo y el individuo como principal recurso para el aprendizajeIntervención pedagógica para la dirección del trabajo independiente en Morfofisiología índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2077-2874


REYES MEDIACEJA, Reinaldo; BASTART ORTIZ, Emma Aurora  e  REYES MEDIACEJA, Mirtha. Historical evolution of the medical students' training in elderly care. Rev EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.1, pp. 25-37. ISSN 2077-2874.

Background: an analysis is performed on the historical evolution that has characterized the Cuban medical training in terms of a comprehensive care for the elderly since the triumph of the Revolution. Objective: to determine the historical evolution of the medical student training with regard to the care of the elderly. Methods: theoretical methods: historical logical method; analysis and synthesis, and hermeneutical_dialectical method. The analysis was performed on the basis of the following indicators: presence of the elderly in health care models, curricular treatment of elderly care in medical training, learning specific skills in treating the elderly. Results and discussion: the following stages and characteristics were identified: Stage I (1959-1969): Initial training of physicians in the context of the Health Comprehensive Unified National System. Stage II (1970-1979): Physicians' training in the new form of community medicine. Stage III (1980-1989): Training of the Basic General Doctor in the program of the family doctor and family nurse. Stage IV (1990-1999): Improvement in physicians' training for elderly care. Stage V (2000 to present): Training of the Basic Comprehensive General Doctor in the context of universalization. Conclusions: this analysis made evident its historical socio-historical nature, specifying, in each of the stages, the difficulties found in the training process of medical students for elderly care.

Palavras-chave : historical evolution; elderly; medical undergraduate studies; training.

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