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vol.6 número1Estrategia metodológica para un mejor empleo de medios de enseñanza en Tecnología de la SaludExperiencia preliminar de nexos interdisciplinares entre Farmacología e Informática Médica en estudios médicos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2077-2874


GUILLEN ESTEVEZ, Anselmo Leonides  e  CANIZARES ESPINOSA, Yamiley. Characterization of the teaching-learning process of the subject Physics in health technologists. Rev EDUMECENTRO [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.1, pp. 129-144. ISSN 2077-2874.

Background: the main motivation of health technology students for the study of the subject Physics is linked to the way this subject interrelates with the biomedical content. Methods: a longitudinal exploratory study was conducted to characterize the integration of the subject content with biomedical phenomena at the Health Technology Faculty. Theoretical methods were used to systematize the main ideas about the topic and for conceptual interpretation of the collected data. Empirical methods were also used, such as the analysis of the governing documents of the subject syllabus in all the courses, class observations and questionnaires that were administered to Physics students and teachers. Mathematical methods were used to obtain absolute and relative values and for working with tables and charts. Results: it was confirmed that there are gaps in the preparation and implementation of an integration approach of the subject with biomedical phenomena and the future activity of these professionals. Therefore, it leads to decreasing interest and motivation for the study of the subject. There is no correspondence with the learning needs or with their projections and current requirements for this type of education. Conclusions: the data collected allowed the identification of the need to find a solution for improving this process in Health Technology courses, by integrating their content with the world around them, with biomedical studies, and with other subjects and disciplines they study.

Palavras-chave : teaching-learning process; integration; biomedical phenomena; motivation; Physics.

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