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Revista Cubana de Química

versão On-line ISSN 2224-5421


SERRAT-DIAZ, Manuel; DE LA FE-ISAAC, Ángel Daniel  e  DE LA FE-ISAAC, José Alberto. Optimization of lipid production from whey and molasses by an oleaginous yeast strain. Rev Cub Quim [online]. 2021, vol.33, n.3, pp. 274-290.  Epub 26-Out-2021. ISSN 2224-5421.

The aim of this work was the optimization of lipid production by an oleaginous yeast strain using agroindustrial by-products obtained from the dairy and sugar industries as carbon sources. Screening (Plackett-Burman) and optimization (Box-Behnken) designs were used to determine the influence of the components of the culture medium on the percentage of accumulated lipids and the biomass concentration, as well as to optimize the composition of the culture medium, respectively. The triglycerides concentration was determined by the sulfo-phospho-vanillin method. The regression equations obtained during optimization predicted maximum values of lipid accumulation of 65 % and biomass concentration of 13 mg/mL, results comparable to those obtained by other researchers and which point to the industrial applicability of this strain in technological systems aimed at biodiesel production.

Palavras-chave : biodiesel; lipids; molasses; whey; agroindustrial by-products.

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