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vol.28 número2El concepto de calidad de vida y la evolución de los paradigmas de las ciencias de la saludMercadotecnia y gestión sanitaria índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública

versão On-line ISSN 1561-3127


MEDINA AREVALO, Rosalba. La universidad y la salud: historia, retos y nuevas respuestas. Rev Cubana Salud Pública [online]. 2002, vol.28, n.2, pp. 176-200. ISSN 1561-3127.

Summary In Colombia, the globalization has generated a negative impact on the scientific development and the formation of new professionals, with the application of policies that limit social rights such as health, education and culture. The formation of health professionals in the country has entered into the market logic. To show these weaknesses, five talks were suggested to present previously formulated proposals on elements and criteria in the academic formation aimed at the guests. The coordinating group called Red Salud prepared the proposals taking as a basis three large contexts in which great changes in the world health dynamics have occurred: a) health situation of the populations and their determinants; b) type of social response on the part of states and societies to this situation; and c) the production and reproduction of knowledge and practice in the field of health. The main identified health problems were: the traditional problems, infective and chronic diseases and homicides; the persistent exclusion of vulnerable populations; multiple violence; problems which were partially controlled before such as malaria, dengue, tuberculosis, diarrheas, acute respiratory and sexually transmitted diseases and problems in the Social Security system. In the university context, the recognition of big failures in the present teaching model, something that the traditional health faculties have in common, is the existence of three development tendencies with various scenarios, resources and impact. It is concluded that "it is admitted that the University has made contributions, however, it is also admitted that we did not go far enough, we have been more devoted to form professionals than to create models; more devoted to participate in debates than to identify problems, to intensify research on the national problems in the field of public health than to participate in the formulation of proposals, and based on these proposals, to stimulate analysis and participate in extensive national debates for the promotion of health at the service of peace. This is the fundamental task of the National Public University in the country at present."


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