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versão On-line ISSN 1029-3019


ZALDIVAR ROSALES, Yaité; FUENTES GONZALEZ, Homero Calixto  e  GARCIA CESPEDES, María Eugenia. Social contradictions in the values formation from the relation doctor-patient-family in the medical sciences professionals. MEDISAN [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.1, pp. 238-250.  Epub 15-Fev-2021. ISSN 1029-3019.


There is at present an increase of dissatisfactions in the training of the medical sciences professionals, in the recently graduated doctors and in the students to achieve an adequate relationship doctor-patient-family.


To identify the most significant manifestations obstructing the perfectioning of the medical practice when treating patients and the values formation of the medical sciences professional.


Inquiries and interviews to patients and families, students and professors were used. The historical and logical method was applied, and printed documents as well as Cuban medical journals in data base such as PubMed, EBSCO and SciELO were reviewed. Terms such as social contradictions, medical sciences professional, values formation, doctor-patient-family relationship.


It was evidenced that the relationship established from the social image on how the model professional of the medical sciences should be and how he really behaves, essentially reveals the scarcity of a coherent concept.


Social contradictions in the values formation for the medical sciences professionals in the doctor-patient-family relationship were confirmed, to be taken into account for improving medical care offered by our doctors while performing.

Palavras-chave : social contradictions; values formation process; medical sciences professional; doctor-patient-family relationship.

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