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Revista de Protección Vegetal
versión On-line ISSN 2224-4697
Rev. Protección Veg. v.25 n.2 La Habana Mayo.-ago. 2010
Short communication
C. González*, A.P. Retana-Salazar** and Neisy Castillo*
*Department of Biology and Plant Protection. Faculty of Agronomy. Agrarian University of Havana Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez. Carretera de Tapaste y Autopista Nacional. San José de las Lajas, Havana Province. E-mail: carlos@isch.edu.cu, neisy@isch.edu.cu, ** Research Centre of Microscopic Structures. University of Costa Rica. E-mail: apretana@gmail.com
Jessicathrips cubensis, collected on leaves of Acalypha wilkesiana Muell. Arg. in San Antonio de las Vegas, Havana Province, Cuba, is reported as a new genus and species for science.
Key words: Jessicathrips cubensis; thrips; Acalypha wilkesiana
Jessicathrips cubensis, colectada sobre hojas de Acalypha wilkesiana Muell. Arg. en San Antonio de las Vegas, provincia La Habana, Cuba, se informa como un nuevo género y especie para la ciencia.
Palabras clave: Jessicathrips cubensis; thrips; Acalypha wilkesiana
Thrips are important insects attacking plants of different kind all over the world and from 5000 to 6000 species are included in this group. It is supposed that many of them have not been described yet (1).
In Cuba, despite the several searching works carried out in the last few years, investigations on thrips fauna have demonstrated that they cannot be considered enough (2,3,4,5).
Accordingly, the objective of this work was to make a prospection for new genera and species of thrips.
For detecting the presence of thrips, different species of plants were sampled in the locality of San Antonio de las Vegas, Havana Province, in 2009. The specimens were collected by striking the plants over a white cardboard. Adults were cleared and mounted on slides; for identification, taxonomic keys were used, Mound and Marullo (1), Soto-Rodriguez and Retana-Salazar (6) and Bhatti and Borbon (7). Results indicated one of the specimens to be considered as a new genus and species for science. The description is as follows:
Descripction of Jessicathrips González, Retana and Castillo, gen. n.
Macropterous, brown Thripinae. Antennae 6segmented, sense cones on III and IV forked, segment III smaller, V larger. Head with 2 pairs of ocellar setae I absent and III on anterior margins of ocellar triangle. Pronutum with discal setae and 2 pairs of long setae at the posterior angles. 3 pairs of posteromarginal setae, I longer. Mesonotum with median setae arisen posterior to posterolateral setae. Metanotal median setae distant from anterior margin. Mesofurca and metafurca simple. Forewing first vein with setal row interrupted, second vein with continuous row of setae; scale with 5 veinal and 1 discal setae. Marginal cilia wavy at posterior margin, from the anterior margin straight. Tarsi 1-segmented. Abdominal tergite I with a pair of campaniform sensilla medially. Tergal median setae small, separate and anterior to camponiform sensilla pair. Tergite IX with 2 pairs of campanifom sencilla. Tegite VIII with marginal comb of long and fine microtrichia. Tergite V-VIII with paired ctenidia; and on VIII posterior to the spiracles. Pleurotergites well defined. Sternites with long marginal setae and arising al posterior margin; absence of sternal discal setae.
Type species: Jessicathrips cubensis González, Retana and Castillo, sp.n
Etimology: The genus was named after the first author ´s daughter and the species after Cuba.
Comments: This new genus shares traits with the genus Thrips regarding the absence of ocellar setae I, the presence of 2 long posteroangular setae, but it differs in the number of antennal segments, which are 6 in this new genus and 7 in the genus Thrips. All these traits define this specimen like a new genus for science, possibly endemic of Cuba or the Caribbean area.
Jessicathrips cubensis Gonzalez, Retana and Castillo, sp.n
Female macropterous: Body colour dark brown; head brown; antennal segments I - II pale; III small and the basal part pale and the rest brown; IV with the same characteristics; V and VI brown. Microtrichia present on segments III, IV and V. Head with 2 pairs of ocellar setae, I absent and III on anterior margins of ocellar triangle. Postocular setae I larger. Pronotum with abundant discal setae; posteroangular setae long and 3 pairs of posteromarginal setae, I larger. Metanotum brown, with median setae far behind the anterior margin. Metanotal sculpture broadly striate but converging posteriorly, with 2 campaniform sensilla. Forewing first vein with setae row interrupted and with 3 distal setae. Second vein with continuous row of 11 setae; scale with 5 veinal and 1 discal setae. Tergite I with a pair of campaniform sensilla medially. Tergite VIII with marginal comb regular of long microtrichia. Tergites V-VIII with paired ctenidia, and on VIII posterior to the spiracles. Sternites with long marginal setae and arising at posterior margin; absence of sternal discal setae (Fig. 1).
Measurements: (holotype female in microns): Body length 1017, 36. Head length 96,20; width 151,70. Postocular setae length 14,80. Pronotum length 122,10; width 173,90. Posteroangular length 70,30. Metanotal median setae 37. Forewing length 635,85. Comb teeth 7,40-11,10.
Holotype♀. Cuba: Havana, San Antonio de las Vegas, on Acalypha wilkesiana Muell. Arg leaves, 12. II. 2009.
1. Mound LA, Marullo R. The thrips of Central and South America: An introduction (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Mem Entomol Internat. 1996;6:1-487.
2. González C, Suris Moraima. Los trips en las provincias habaneras: Inventario, Identificación, hospedantes y comportamiento de las poblaciones en diferentes sistemas de producción. Rev Protección Veg. 2006; 21(2):80-84.
3. González C, Castillo Neisy. Dos nuevas especies del género Neohydatothrips John (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) para Cuba. Rev Protección Veg. 2009;24(3):184-186.
4. González C, Castillo Neisy. Trichromothrips Priesner, Salpingothrips Hood y Elixothrips Standard and Mitri (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), nuevos géneros para Cuba. Rev Protección Veg. 2009;24(3):187-190.
5. Castillo Neisy, GonzálezC, Campos E. Hydatothrips sternalis Hood y Hoodothrips lineatus Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), nuevos géneros y especies para Cuba. Rev Protección Veg. 2010;25(1):64-66.
6. Soto-Rodríguez GA, Retana-Salazar AP. Clave ilustrada para los géneros de Thysanoptera y especies de Frankliniella presentes en cuatro zonas hortícolas en Alajuela, Costa Rica. Agr Costarric. 2003, 27(2):55-68.
7. Bhatti JS, Borbón CM. A new genus and species of thrips related to Psilothrips Hood 1927 living on the South American saltbush, Atriplex lampa Gill. Ex Moq. (Chenopodiaceae), in Argentina (Terebrantia: Thripidae). Thrips. 2008;6:1-43.
(Recibido 31-3-2010; Aceptado 14-6-10)