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versión On-line ISSN 1727-897X


RUIZ, Diana Rosa Fernández; ENRIQUEZ, Maira Quirós  y  PEREZ, Olga Lidia Cuevas. Antibiotics and their impact on society. Medisur [online]. 2021, vol.19, n.3, pp. 477-491.  Epub 30-Jun-2021. ISSN 1727-897X.

The introduction of antibiotics in the last century has been one of the examples that history provides of medical interventions that drastically changed the life expectancy of the population. The golden age of antibiotics, where the appearance of new molecules was what usual, has given way to another of drought, in which the development of this pharmacological group is rare due to the long period of time required for research into new drugs, their high cost and the increase in regulatory requirements. This medical progress gained in past decades is threatened by the increase in the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, constituting a serious global risk for which it requires greater attention and coherence at the international, national and regional levels. Bacterial resistance has a great microbiological, therapeutic, economic, epidemiological and public health impact; it costs money, livelihoods, human lives, and threatens to undermine the effectiveness of health care programs. This bibliographic review proposes to reflect on the most significant aspects of the development of antibiotics and their impact on society.

Palabras clave : drug resistance, bacterial; drug resistance, microbial; health policy.

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