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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas
versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X
Rev haban cienc méd vol.16 no.5 La Habana set.-oct. 2017
Molecular biology techniques for research development. A literature review
Técnicas de Biología Molecular en el desarrollo de la investigación. Revisión de la literatura
Maritza Angarita Merchán, María Inés Tórres Caycedo, Andrea Katherine Díaz Torres
de Boyacá. Tunja, Colombia. mangarita@uniboyaca.edu.co
paper is a translation to English of its original version, available on:
Epidemiology, from the etymological point of view, means "science that studies
diseases that affect the communities". It has been developing through centuries,
describing and explaining the dynamics of population health; it has integrated
new branches such as molecular epidemiology, which is defined as a discipline
in which molecular techniques are implemented for clinical, research, and scientific
Objective: To present
techniques with basis in molecular biology, which have contributed to the research
Material and methods:A
review of scientific articles was made during the months of August-October
2016, and July-September, 2017 in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish
languages. A search for information in scientific journals such as Pubmed,
Scielo, Biomed Central, Free Medical Journals, LILACS, Redalyc, Inbiomed, and
Dialnet was also made using DeCs term descriptors of Health Sciences, and the
MeSH descriptor; articles published during the time period from 2012-2017
were used; and publications of previous years were also taken into consideration
as a contribution to the history of this topic.
Results: Five techniques
of molecular biology which have contributed to research development were presented:
PCR, sequencing, hybridization with DNA probes, RAPD, and RFLP.
Conclusions: At
present, the use of molecular techniques allows the complete genome study or
short and long DNA sequencings with the aim of detecting and analyzing sequences
of interest for research in agronomy and forensic sciences; clinical diagnosis
and basic, traslational, and applied research; each of them characterized by
reliability and quickness in obtaining result, strength, specificity, sensitivity,
and flexibility, compared to phenotypic methods.
Keywords: Epidemiology, polymerase chain reaction, Hybridization, Sequencing, RAPD, RFLP.
Epidemiología etimológicamente significa "ciencia que estudia
enfermedades que afecta a las comunidades"; esta ha venido evolucionando a través
de los siglos describiendo y explicando la dinámica de la salud poblacional;
ha integrado nuevas ramas, como la epidemiología molecular definida como
una disciplina en la cual se implementa técnicas moleculares para aportes
científicos, de investigación y clínico.
Objetivo: Presentar
las técnicas con fundamento en biología molecular, que han aportado
al desarrollo de la investigación.
Material y Métodos:
Se realizó revisión de artículos científicos durante
los meses de agosto a octubre de 2016 y julio a septiembre de 2017, en inglés,
portugués, francés y español en revistas científicas
Pubmed, Scielo, Biomed Central, Free Medical Journals, LILACS, Redalyc, Inbiomed,
Dialnet, usando términos DeCs descriptores de Ciencias de la Salud y
MeSH; se emplearon artículos publicados en el período de 2012
a 2017, usando publicaciones de años anteriores como aporte a la historia
del tema.
Resultados: se presentan
05 técnicas de Biología molecular que han aportado a la investigación:
RCP, Secuenciación, Hibridación de sondas de ADN, RAPD y RFLP.
Conclusiones: Hoy
en día el uso técnicas moleculares permite el estudio de genoma
completo o secuencias específicas de ADN cortas o largas
con el fin de detectar y analizar secuencias de interés para la investigación
en las ciencias agronómicas, forenses, diagnóstico clínico
e investigación básica, traslacional y aplicada; cada una de ellas
se caracteriza por la confiabilidad y rapidez en la obtención del resultado,
robustez, especificidad, sensibilidad y flexibilidad, comparado con métodos
Palabras claves: Epidemiología, reacción de cadena polimerasa, hibridación, secuenciación, RAPD, RFLP.
optimization of specificity, sensitivity and rapidity of traditional diagnostic
techniques has been necessary in the fight against infectious diseases; however,
with the rise of research and the need of efficient and opportune diagnoses,
laboratory techniques have emerged with a basis on molecular biology applied
to prevention, control, and treatment programs. Among the diagnostic alternatives
proposed to face these challenges we describe some techniques such as polymerase
chain reaction; DNA hybridization proves; genes sequencing; parallel sequencing,
also known as next-generation sequencing (NGS); pyrosequencing; Random Amplification
of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD); and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP),
whose introduction in laboratories is intended to support the obtaining of highly
reliable results.1
Polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) has been the main diagnosis tool which has taken advantage of
the goodness of molecular biology, getting the point of reaching a high versatility
as an analysis technique.2 The specificity, efficiency, and
accuracy of PCR is directly influenced by the different components which integrate
it as the mixture of reaction, cycling regime, and DNA polymerase;3
the technique permits the selective amplification of any DNA segment, knowing
the sequences that flank it, and obtaining a concrete DNA sequence without turning
to cloning in a host organism.4 Its applications are
variable and unlimited, for example, it gives the possibility of making genetic
expressions, direct sequencing of amplified sequences, mutation detection, follow-up
of the effectiveness in the treatment of diseases, diagnoses of genetic and
infectious diseases; and in forensic sciences, it is used in the identification
of biological remainders, paternity determination, and expert evidences in criminalistics.5
DNA sequencing consists
on determining the order of A, C, G and T bases in a DNA fragment;
this method was described by Sanger in 1977, and permits to obtain the sequence
of a determined DNA fragment, a gen or a part of this one, to be used at present.6
This method has evolved through the time; nowadays different kinds of sequencings
have been implemented, standing out the New-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
that permits the exploration of complete genomes in humans and other species;7
and Pyrosequencing, in which it is possible to determine the sequencing of a
DNA molecule, identifying individual bases or short nucleic acid sequences in
certain positions. Hybridization is a method that is based on the
assembling of two nucleic acid chains that produce a stranded structure, which
are DNA, RNA-RNA or DNA- RNA hybrids.8,9 Hybridization is
based on the development of two nucleic acid molecules: a homogenous one with
a distinguished sequence as a sounding line and a heterogeneous one with an
unknown sequence, which contains the target sequence to analyze.10
Single-stranded nucleic acids come from cloned DNA that is fragmented by
restriction enzymes, or synthetic oligonucleotides.11
There are other molecular
techniques that have contributed significantly to research such as RAPD markers
(Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA),10 which are based on PCR;
due to their existence, the detection of existent polymorphisms in the DNA sequence
under study and RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphisms) is possible,
which express the differences among individuals in specific DNA sequences that
are recognized by different enzymes that cut those sequences and give rise to
little fragments which can be analyzed through electrophoresis.11
The objective of this review article is to present techniques based on molecular biology, which have contributed to research development in different fields of application.
review of scientific articles was made during the months of August-October
2016, and July-September, 2017 in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish
languages. A search for information in Ibero-American scientific journals
indexed on Pubmed, Scielo, Biomed Central, Free Medical Journals, LILACS, Redalyc,
Inbiomed, and Dialnet, was made using DeCs term descriptors of Health Sciences,
and MeSH descriptor for the validation of key words.
The articles published
during the time period from 2012-2017 were the most used, although it was
necessary to use publications of previous years as a contribution to the history
of this topic.
A total of 80 articles
were obtained, to which inclusion and exclusion criteria consistent in validity
and contribution to the topic under analysis were applied; 56 of them were finally
selected. A database was made from these data, from which a bibliometric
analysis was developed for their classification according to subjects of interest,
authors and publication date. It is important to highlight that the main limitation
of this review was that the access to some of these issues do not allow a free
consultation of their texts.
Molecular Epidemiology
epidemiology is a branch of the discipline applied to the study of infectious
diseases in which molecular techniques used for the identification of pathogenic
agents in epidemiological studies are implemented. Its objective is to
describe the proliferation of the disease and its risk factors, in order to
intervene in the course of its natural development.12 It is based
on statistical analyses through geographic methods, which permit to evaluate
the development of the affectedness,13 detect and quantify specific
genetic material coming from biological samples, outbreak studies, characterization
of microorganisms, relations existing among genotypes and virulence factors
Molecular diagnosis is
a dynamic area in constant development that has revolutionized the clinical
diagnosis, demonstrating an impact in health areas,15 and obliging
to the implementation of key tools for clinical equipment, which generate a
direct benefit for the patient.16
The principle of
molecular epidemiology is based on the study of infectious diseases through
the use of molecular techniques that allow the study of the genome of bacteria,
viruses, viroids, fungi and parasites, that are etiological agents of those
Molecular epidemiology is used as a diagnostic method for different pathologies; its main application is found in:
1. Molecular method for typification:
is known as the identification and characterization of pathogenic microorganisms
that permit to establish the identity of microorganisms which cause infectious
outbreaks, determining the infectious source and its possible patterns of dissemination;
likewise, it establishes the infectious agent prevalence in a population.18
The typification
technique to use will depend on the requirements and characteristics of the
system analyzed; however, regardless the typification method, it must be previously
evaluated according to its capacity to generate the required epidemiological
information. Typification can be evaluated taking into account the following
Detection, identification and typification of the whole analyzed isolates.
- Repeatability and reproducibility
of the method.
- Genetic stability of
the marker, neutral for evolutionary forces.
- Exclusion of the different
groups of individuals with high probabilities.
- Capacity of the method
to generate similar results to the obtained through other techniques.
- Effectiveness among economical
costs generated by the application of the method and the profits obtained to
reach the prevention and control of the disease.
- Relation among the benefits
obtained at an economic level, resources and time used. 19
2. Phenotypic and genotypic molecular methods:
methods are based on the determination of biochemical and/or physiological characteristics;
they constitute the first tool for the comparison of microorganisms that
includes the determination of enzymatic activities, metabolic capacity and
susceptibility to antigenic determinants or bactericidal agents; however, with
these kind of methods; genes, polymorphism, or mutations that determine the
expression of the visible characteristics of culture mediums, and biochemical
and susceptibility tests cannot be identified.20,22
Genotypic methods
study the genome of the microorganism that causes the disease and make possible
the analysis of the characteristics of genetic polymorphism presented in etiological
agents.23 They are based on the location of the genetic material,
which allows to generate new changes in the genetic expression pattern and offers
more stable and reproducible alternatives.24
Among the employed techniques in genotyping, the following ones are described:
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
2. Genome sequencing.
a. NGS sequencing.
b. Pyrosequencing.
DNA hybridization proves.
4. RAPD.
5. RFLP.
Each technique has offered an alternative for epidemiological research; however, they also have limited applications.25
1. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
recent years, new molecular techniques based on PCR have been developed, which
have brought a great advance in the evolution of research on infectious diseases
through molecular epidemiologic studies, which have the objective to determine
the existent clonal relation among several isolates of a same species, through
typification techniques that involve genes amplification or polymorphic DNA
sequences.26 Genotypic methods amplify specific DNA in vitro
areas by employing sequences that delimit the amplification area; from a copy
of the area to the one to amplify, millions of copies that make their detection
possible and reflect the presence of the DNA area in the sample to analyze are
acquired; in this transformation, there are several proteins that cooperate
with the synthesis of new DNA strands, from another one which acts as a mold.27,28
This technique has had different advances and applications, which are
presented in the chart29,30
2. Genome sequencing
is a technique that determines the whole DNA sequence in the genome of a person;
it consists on determining the order of the Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine
bases in a DNA fragment. With this technique, approximately 500 bases can be
obtained; they are assembled to a genome of reference that sequences a whole
genome. This method has changed the way to understand Genetics basing on the
identification of the real causes of heredity, focusing on genetic studies of
individuals with a defined phenotype and mendelian inheritance diseases produced
by known genes; they evaluate the phenotype and sequencing of the gen that can
be affected and present a very high sensitivity for detecting mutation.34
One of the most famous
projects in the history of molecular biology was the Human Genome Project (HGP),
which proposed to determine the complete sequencing (more than 3 000x10⁶base
pairs) of the human genome; the project locates exactly the 100 000 DNA genes
approximately and the rest of the heredity material of human beings, responsible
for genetic instructions of everything that forms a human being from the biological
point of view.35
Through time, sequencing
has experienced several modifications to the method described at first by Sanger,
and generated other kinds of sequencing as NGS and pyrosequencing, constantly
employed in clinical research and epidemiological studies nowadays; the methods
previously mentioned are presented below.
a. Next-generation Sequencing (NGS)
acid sequencing permits to establish the order of nucleotides presented
in DNA or RNA molecules to study ; that is why, its use has increased exponentially
in research and clinical laboratories around the world in recent years;
NGS has been implemented because of the possibility that it offers
when making massive and parallel sequencing of millions of DNA and RNA fragments
presented in the sample, with the use of leading technology, at a low cost and
a very high efficiency, which made the amplification of a complete genome possible
in only one day.36,37
NGS has a high application
in epidemiological studies due to the advantages offered by this kind of method
as the use of complete genomes for establishing phylogenetic relations among
species, identification of possible epidemiological combinations and markers
that contribute to the identification of possible mutations in a population;38
therefore, it is considered as a revolutionary technology in epidemiological
studies applied to basic science, traslational research, clinical diagnosis,
agronomy, forensic science, and applied science.39
This kind of sequence
is also known as Non-Sanger, and it is available in different formats that
permit the generation of data with advantages and disadvantages inherent
to each matrix; among the advantages, the quality of the data obtained from
the sequences, the robustness , and low noise present in the chromatogram are
highlighted; as disadvantages, the availability of a laboratory with bioinformatics
capacity that guarantees the quality in obtaining and interpretation of the
data, as well as the need of making a control over the random and unspecified
sequences that can interfere with the sequencing have been reported.38
b. Pyrosequencing
is characterized by the DNA sequencing synthesis with a detection in real time;
this technique is used for the identification of individual bases or short nucleic
acids sequences in certain positions, through the usage of phosphate during
the incorporation of nucleotides to the DNA chain, followed by a series of enzymatic
This is the only
sequencing method that was implemented as an alternative to the classic DNA
sequencing; if it is compared with other molecular techniques, pyrosequencing
is simple, robust, rapid, sensitive, highly quantitative and accurate, flexible,
effective and has the capacity of automation of the sample;41,42
it has been employed in studies of genetic variations analysis, agronomical
studies that permit the implementation of priming and specific proves that
contribute to certification programs of food quality,43
changes in microbial communities of different environments,44
resolution in forensic sciences cases,45 microbiology, and
the detection of mutations in pathologies of clinical interest.46,47
3. DNA hybridization proves
It is known as the analysis in samples to detect the presence of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA), by making an antiparallel combination of them with a double-chain molecule. Its techniques are used to detect a target molecule starting by a complementary probe. Many molecular techniques are based on hybridization as PCR; they are used in the diagnosis of diseases, the identification of pathogenic microorganisms, studies of genetic expression profiles, localization of genes in chromosomes or ARNm in tissues, and the comparison of pathogenic species.48,49
d. RAPD (Random amplification of polymorphic DNA)
is a technique which employs molecular markers for PCR amplification of short
polymorphic DNA sequencings by using a primer of short sequence (10 to 12 base
pairs pb). As it is a technique based on PCR, it needs control over certain
factors that can affect directly the technique performance as dNTPs, TaqDNA
polymerase, hybridization temperature, extension, cycles and mold chain integrity.50
On research, this kind
of technique, is applied in genetic analyses that permit the establishment of
similarities among communities of the same species (example: bacteria and plants);
an example of this is the study of the relation between the resistance to arsenic
in bacterial flora coming from ground samples, which was made in India and was
published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution in 2016.51
e. RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism)
is the result of a variation of a DNA sequencing recognized by restriction enzymes
used for cutting DNA sequences in unknown places; they are used principally
as markers in genetic maps. This is a due to its rapidity in obtaining the results,
low price, and specificity; this needs certain conditions for its functioning,
consistent on the use of appropriate restriction enzymes, conditions of amplification
and optimization, and analyses of the amplified products (restriction fragments)
through electrophoresis, mainly in agarose gel.52-54
Among the advantages described,
it is found that, it needs minimum items of laboratory for its performance;
it has been applied in diverse studies that have allowed to establish or identify
bacterial species inherent to human being and animals (example: melitensis biovare),55
the discrimination between pathogenic species of different microorganisms that
cause infections in human beings or which are presented in some human consumption
products and metagenomic studies.56
techniques employed in research with molecular foundation, have allowed a significant
progress on research, contributing mainly to the molecular epidemiology development
as a science applied for the knowledge of genotypic of bacterial
communities in different environmental, veterinarian and human areas; generating
knowledge about epidemiological performance and changes that populations, specially
bacterial, have developed as defense and adaptation mechanisms to their habitat
Nowadays, the use of molecular
techniques as NGS, pyrosequence, RAPD and RFLP, allow the study of a complete
genome or specific long or short DNA sequencings in order to detect and analyze
sequences of interests for research in agronomic and forensic sciences, clinical
diagnosis, and basic, traslational and applied research.
Each method presented in
this review is characterized for the reliability and rapidity in the obtaining
of the results, strength, specificity, sensitivity and flexibility, when compared
to phenotypic methods; being this, a direct and accessible contribution to the
development of molecular epidemiology.
To the Bacteriology and Clinical Laboratory Program at the University of Boyacá.
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December 2, 2016.
Approved: September 20,
Angarita Merchán. Universidad
de Bogotá. Tunja, Colombia.
E-mail : mangarita@uniboyaca.edu.co
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