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vol.19 suppl.1COVID-19 y el problema de los tiempos en las estrategias de controlAjuste de curvas de crecimiento poblacional aplicadas a la COVID-19 en Cuba índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas

versión On-line ISSN 1729-519X


ARIAS MOLINA, Yordany et al. Psychological manifestations against the epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19. Rev haban cienc méd [online]. 2020, vol.19, suppl.1  Epub 10-Jun-2020. ISSN 1729-519X.


In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and due to its high contagiousness and the increasing number of confirmed cases and deaths worldwide, negative thoughts and emotions spread as a threat to mental health.


To identify the psychological manifestations against the epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19.

Material and Methods:

An observational descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the 16-A family medicine office belonging to the "Jimmy Hirtzel" Teaching Polyclinic in Bayamo on April 2020. The variables of anxiety, depression, stress and suicidal ideation were studied to which psychological tests were applied.


Anxiety as a state predominated in the majority of patients with high (30.96%) and medium (26.90%) levels; depression manifested as a state in the medium (36.54%) and high (13.70%) and medium (12.20%) levels as a trait; 66.49% of the patients presented altered stress levels; 98.47% of the patients did not show a suicidal idea. There was no association between stress and anxiety (p= 0,90) and depression as a trait and state (p= 0,97).


Coping with the epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19, the people studied presented psychological alterations of anxiety and depression as a state and high levels of stress, without suicidal ideation in most cases.

Palabras clave : coronavirus; COVID-19; anxiety; depression; stress; suicidal ideation.

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