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versión On-line ISSN 1990-8644


ZUMBA VERA, Ingrid Yolanda; AMAIQUEMA MARQUEZ, Francisco Alejandro; VERA ZAPATA, Juan Antonio  y  CAICEDO CHAMBERS, Karina María. Psychosocial risks and emotional state of teachers of the psychology at the Technical University of Babahoyo. Conrado [online]. 2022, vol.18, n.88, pp. 392-401.  Epub 27-Oct-2022. ISSN 1990-8644.

Teachers exercise one of the professions most exposed to psychosocial risk factors, including those related to social insecurity, which influence their emotional state and health, generating work stress and professional exhaustion. Despite its important role in the development of society and the formation of new generations, its perception of occupational health and its relationship with the organizational climate has not been sufficiently investigated. The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of psychosocial risk factors on the emotional state of teachers of the Psychology career at the Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador. An exploratory descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out that articulates quantitative and qualitative methods. The Trait Meta-Mood Scale instrument (TMMS-24) was applied to evaluate the emotional states of all the teachers in the Career. The results obtained identify the most representative variables according to the three validated dimensions: Emotional attention, Clarity of feelings and Emotional repair with special relevance for the understanding of positive feelings and thoughts. The final assessments can contribute to the formulation of policies and implementation of actions that reduce the negative influence of these risk factors.

Palabras clave : Organizational climate; Psychosocial risk; Emotional state.

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