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versión On-line ISSN 1996-3521


GALVEZ GONZALEZ, Ana María. Economy, health and COVID-19. Infodir [online]. 2021, n.34  Epub 01-Abr-2021. ISSN 1996-3521.


The health economy relationship has played a relevant role in the times of COVID-19. This conference had three.

Objective: Describe the relationship between health and the economy, during COVID-19.


The relationship between the Economy and Health has been revealed during the unprecedented crisis that COVID-19 has generated, most of the countries have been affected, within these sectors of the economy have been damaged in a general way. The deterioration in the health of people affected by the pandemic and the great challenges that health systems have assumed have had an impact on the contraction of economies, with poverty implications for many populations. The most affected countries have been the poorest, it is still early to express the economic amount of damage caused by this disease. Cuba, at the time of COVID-19, has presented a difficult economic outlook due to internal and external causes, the country has adopted new economic measures. The political will, the strength of the National Health System, the experience in the control of epidemics, the intersectoral action, the health planning integrated into a program for the rational use of resources, the active response of the first level of care and social participation , have been factors that contributed to an effective response to COVID-19.

Palabras clave : economy; Health; COVID-19, Cuba.

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