The profound transformations occurring in the contemporary world, marked by escalating competition, the judicious utilization of innovative technologies, the revitalization of educational content and structures, and the alignment of objectives and criteria with international standards, have engendered a demand for experts. This demand extends even to educational institutions lacking optimal conditions and advanced technologies, emphasizing the imperative for the proficient transmission of knowledge through scholarly means. The aforementioned developments have underscored the imperative for a rigorous reevaluation of teacher preparation for the future. Consequently, there has arisen a distinctive demand for the establishment of a significantly upgraded educational paradigm for pedagogical personnel. The prevailing model, where individuals pursue bachelor's and subsequent master's degrees across various academic disciplines within higher education, along with a somewhat limited professional orientation system, has not yielded the anticipated outcomes in terms of realizing a substantially enhanced pedagogical training system. Therefore, there is a growing impetus to adopt novel methodologies.
As noted by Mamurov (2019), these methodologies encompass problem-solving, empirical research, interactive discourse, deliberative engagement, and elucidative exposition. The choice of specific techniques and content for training purposes is contingent upon the inherent characteristics of these methodologies. This assortment encompasses simulated teaching sessions, dramaturgical pedagogy, classroom-based workshops, didactic lectures and discussions, immersive holographic educational exercises, seminar-style tutorial sessions, and comprehensive integrated lessons. Furthermore, it is advisable to incorporate collaborative techniques such as paired work, independent study, small-group interactions, and communal deliberative methods to enhance the efficacy of pedagogical instruction. Considering this, the utilization of acmeological approaches in the professional development of prospective educators holds promise for achieving efficacious outcomes in the contemporary era (Oblakulovna, 2023).
As noted by Hakobyan et al., (2021), acmeology is an anthropological discipline devoted to the examination of the various dimensions of an individual's development, encompassing the spiritual, intellectual, physical, personal, and professional facets throughout the course of their adult life. In accordance with their characterization, acmeology encompasses several dimensions, namely moral progression, the attainment of societal acknowledgment, the cultivation of elevated emotional intelligence, and physical well-being, alongside the enduring preservation of both physical health and mental acuity across the lifespan (Koldasbayeva et al., 2021). The term was introduced by Russian scientist N.A.Ribnikov in 1928 and since then this emerging field has served as an integrative science, bridging the realms of psychology and pedagogy within the educational context (Mamurov, 2019).
A fundamental focus of acmeology lies in scrutinizing the principles governing human creative endeavors, with its hallmark characteristic residing in the investigation of these creative processes' inherent laws (Pautova & Zharinova, 2021). Thus, acmeology delves into a spectrum of concerns that encompass the following aspects: the systematic exploration of how individuals actualize their creative capacities during the pursuit of creative endeavors leading to exceptional achievements or "peaks"; the multifaceted factors, both objective and subjective, that facilitate or impede the attainment of such zeniths; the patterns governing the acquisition of life's pinnacles and professional expertise; the dynamics of self-education, self-organization, and self-regulation; and the systematic examination of how individuals enhance, rectify, and organize their activities in response to evolving societal demands (Derkach & Zazykin, 2003; Mamurov et al., 2020).
According to Yessenamanova et al., (2022) today acmeological research is carried out mainly in the Russian pedagogical and psychological direction as acmeological concepts and processes are slightly differently defined by European researchers. However, scientific investigations underscore the imperative of integrating and implementing acmeological principles within higher pedagogical education, with a specific emphasis on the preparation of educators. The efficacy of training professionals who are both prepared and capable of effectively addressing practical challenges hinges upon the attainment of an encompassing level of competence. This competency is grounded in the amalgamation of established professional pedagogical and acmeological principles (Ivanii & Ivanii, 2020; Oblakulovna, 2023; Sharofutdinov, 2023).
Taking into account, the objective of this article is to discuss the pedagogical underpinnings associated with the adoption of the acmeological approach within the context of future teacher professional development.
Fundamental reforms in the field of education in modern times contain various social goals of great importance. One of the most important goals is to raise a future generation with comprehensive development, high intelligence and wide erudition. It is possible to train citizens who have the listed qualities with teachers with high competence and professionalism, because in pedagogical activity: "Professionalism and competence occupy one of the first places among the most important qualities important for a teacher" (Ilyasov, 2018). In professional training, the teacher's personality and personal qualities are considered to be leading components, because: "The formation of professionalism implies not only the individual's need for professional activity, but also the value orientations for the individual's professional development" (Selezneva, 2009).
In teacher training, it is not enough to have high personal qualities, therefore, it is very important to have the knowledge and skills that are important for a future teacher. The teacher, who sets the highest goal of reaching the peak of professionalism and becoming a professional, constantly strives to improve his knowledge and skills, to develop himself as a creative specialist. Based on all this, we can say that it is important to use the opportunities of the acmeological approach in future teacher training. Using of the acmeological approach, as well as the problem of its application and the study of its pedagogical foundations, are of particular importance in improving the quality of professional training of future teachers. The acmeological approach is understood as: "The main generalizing acmeological category describing a number of principles, and methods that allow solving acmeological problems and tasks" (Derkach & Sakko, 2010).
But what is meant by "professionalism of teachers" in modern times? When the concept is approached from the context of education, it can be said that teacher professionalism is mainly understood as the excellent fulfillment of the highest standards of teachers in their work. On what pedagogical basis is the level of general abilities of the future teacher determined? Reaching the peak of professionalism and maintaining a high vector of professional activity, comprehensive and harmonious development of a person and constantly improving oneself in this direction, having acmeological competence are objective conditions for the formation of a future teacher as a professional. For that, special attention should be paid to the following factors:
To develop acmeological abilities.
Continuously work on yourself.
To constantly update and improve acmeological knowledge.
Forming intellectual and emotional skills.
Get used to picture yourself always at the top.
High knowledge and constant readiness to compete with others.
To achieve the ability to refer to the work experience of colleagues and to understand it.
To monitor the innovative processes carried out in the educational system.
Having a positive attitude towards an active lifestyle and work, among other things.
As stated before, acmeology as a science is involved in studying the teacher's professionalism, the features of its formation and how to reach the top in his profession, as well as the structure of the teacher's path to the top, and the different stages he goes through. Then, in our opinion in modern times acmeology studies not the peak of individual development, but the main directions of reaching that peak, and mainly focuses on the following directions:
Subjective and objective factors that help or hinder reaching the highest level of professionalism.
Factors that help to determine successful strategies of self-education and self-organization.
Factors that contribute to the realization of creative potential.
Thus, acmeology is a modern field of science that studies the mechanisms of how to reach the highest point in a person's professional and personal development and as every science has its own role in the development of mankind. Then, acmeology makes it possible to study an adult person and his achievements and significantly expand the scale of their development.
Taking into account the pace of development of the modern era, many people start their profession at an early age, that is, between 20-24 years of age, but the age of maturity usually starts at the age of 30-35 and ends at the age of 55-60 and that age period is considered a period when a person works quite actively and expresses himself in society. Therefore, one of the most important issues today is the ability of mature people to realize their creative potential and creative abilities in order to reach the professional peak. Improving the professionalism of teachers in order to obtain more income is one of the important factors that stimulate the general development of education. The creation of education management information systems and a new reporting model combines several electronic procedures. This is mainly carried out in two directions: creation, updating and use of databases, graduate-coordination-information systems in educational institutions and their use in the management process; creation and implementation of the system of regular study of the labor market (Ahmadov, 2022).
It should be noted that many adults today cannot use their creative potential at the proper level. The science of acmeology examines what opportunities are used to discover these reasons and to reach the highest level of professionalism, i.e., what and how a person should learn to reach the peak of professionalism, what he should pay most attention to, what he should try to achieve, and so on. Acmeology, as a science, investigates various topics and answers questions, but despite all this, there are still no unequivocal answers to these questions in the science of acmeology. We would not be wrong if we say that all these processes have a positive effect on the science of acmeology, because every question that arises out of necessity provides a basis for the constant development and improvement of the science of acmeology, which, of course, will have a positive effect on the professional development of the future teacher.
The development of people and society as a whole and the replacement of generations causes the science to change, develop and acquire a new essence, of course, acmeology science has a special place and importance among these sciences. In modern times, the development prospects of the science of acmeology are reflected in its tasks. Currently, the main tasks of acmeology can be attributed to the following:
Thoroughly study the professional and personal abilities of a person in the maturity stage.
To understand the necessity of how a person develops in previous stages of development (childhood, adolescence, youth) in order to reach certain peaks in adulthood.
To understand how the macro-environment (state, society, nature) and the micro-environment (family, enterprise, organization) affect a person's professional and personal development.
To learn how to master any profession, how to become a true master in the profession.
To find out the factors that have a positive effect on or prevent a person from reaching the peak of professionalism.
To determine the methods and tools that will allow to evaluate the level of professionalism in different areas and among different people, etc.
By the way, let's also say that currently there are practically no methods and tools that will allow us to assess the level of professionalism in general, because the concept of "professionalism" has different meanings in different fields of activity, so each person's "Acme" in the maturation of a professional plays an important role. In order to achieve "Acme", a person's self-education and self-development ability, as well as the ability to be goal-oriented, play a positive role in the realization of this action. Currently, acmeology is quite related to sciences that study in detail certain features of the life of adults, as well as issues of self-realization of adults and in this regard pedagogical acmeology is developing quite seriously. Thus, by its nature we can say it is a multidisciplinary science that arose at the junction of natural, social and humanitarian sciences that studies the laws and mechanisms of human development.
At the beginning of the last century, in a number of universities around the world, such an idea was preferred that it is enough for future teachers to know the scientific content of the taught subject, but even then the attitude towards this issue was ambiguous, advanced scientists spoke from a different point of view, that is, what they came from the conclusion was that, in addition to knowing his subject at the academic level, the teacher should also know pedagogy, history of pedagogy, psychology, methodology, and should have minimum practical skills and abilities. At the beginning of the 21st century, progressive scientists of higher education confidently put forward the idea that the training of a future teacher should consist of two parts:1) special preparation and 2) scientific and professional, that is, psychological-pedagogical and methodical preparation.
In the conditions of the rapid development of science and technology, the social requirements of the teacher have also changed dramatically. As a result of this compulsion, the teacher ceased to be only an academic subject teacher, achieved successful results in his personal and professional development, strengthened his social status in the society, thereby his business activity went far beyond the walls of the school, took an active position in the society and became a propagandist and promoter of axiological values. This, in turn, made it necessary to make appropriate changes in the expansion of the teacher's functions, in the content and nature of his training.
Within the framework of pedagogical and psychological training, special attention is paid to three relatively independent but interrelated aspects of future teacher training. These aspects include psychological, general pedagogical and methodological aspects. The functional analysis of all aspects of future teacher training in higher educational institutions with a pedagogical profile allows us to say that the main aspect of future teacher training is the teacher's general pedagogical training. The goals, methods, and principles of education constitute the main content of professional and pedagogical education of future teachers.
In developing the content and methods of all teaching subjects, taking into account the main goals, tasks and directions of the professional-pedagogical education of students of higher educational institutions with a pedagogical profile can ensure the "pedagogization" of the entire teaching and learning process in higher educational institutions with a pedagogical profile. All this can be achieved as a result of purposeful activity of the teacher. “Activity involves the discovery, in particular, of a product that does not exist in nature" (Derkach & Sakko, 2010). As a result of such activity, it creates conditions for the development of not only the specific person, but also other persons.
It should be noted that the competence of the teacher in the implementation of the activity also has a significant impact. For the development of competence, it is considered appropriate to pay attention to the following skills:
Skills related to the study and application of different approaches and trends for a clearer understanding and understanding of values.
Ability to monitor and evaluate activities.
Skills to manage emotions in the process of action.
Ability to learn independently.
Tips for applying feedback.
Ability to think about the future, to be able to adapt to the new pace of development.
The ability to set appropriate problems related to achieving the goal.
Ability to develop critical (theoretical) thinking.
Ability to have special competence in solving any controversial and disturbing issues.
The ability to conduct research to discover the opportunities and potential of the environment.
The ability to relate to moral and ethical norms.
The ability to understand personal responsibility in the collective.
The ability to listen to other people and treat their opinions with respect and dignity.
Skills related to correct assessment in resolving disputes, conflicts and disagreements.
Ability to work qualitatively under subordinate conditions.
Skills related to organizational planning etc.
Since increasing the efficiency and quality of education is one of the main tasks of education workers, it is recommended to take into account the mentioned skills since they have created special opportunities for students to freely acquire the knowledge and skills required for the development of effective mastering of the modern education system.
Acmeology, as a discipline, places a central focus on nurturing human excellence and optimizing individual potential, thus emerging as a valuable asset in the cultivation of prospective educators. By applying acmeological principles within the educational milieu, substantial enhancements in the preparation of exceptionally capable instructors can be attained. This method facilitates the cultivation of personal excellence, fosters self-reflection and self-evaluation, streamlines the teaching-learning process, kindles student motivation and self-confidence, and elevates pedagogical benchmarks. Consequently, it contributes substantively to the molding of educators who are dedicated to the perpetual enhancement and refinement of their pedagogical endeavors, benefiting both educators themselves and their students, while simultaneously enhancing the overall educational landscape. Hence, the integration of acmeology into the training of future educators emerges as a promising strategy for elevating the educational quality and fostering the emergence of highly proficient professionals.