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Ciencia y Deporte

versión On-line ISSN 2223-1773


MENDEZ ALVAREZ, Teresa Yamila; SANCESARIO PEREZ, Luis Alberto; SANCESARIO FONSECA, Jennifer Sofía  y  FRANCO VELASQUEZ, José Solin. Deductive model of managerial competencies in Cuban grassroots sports executives. Ciencia y Deporte [online]. 2024, vol.9, n.3  Epub 01-Sep-2024. ISSN 2223-1773.


the evaluation of the Cuban grassroots sports manager shows a focus more oriented towards individual and organizational performance than towards the managerial skills specifically necessary for the position, as there is no robust theoretical body, with its respective practical instrument, developed specifically for the context of Cuban grassroots sports.


to build a deductive model of managerial skills in Cuban grassroots sports managers, which takes into account the specific demands of the Cuban social economic model and sports system, and serves as a useful background to support subsequent research.

Materials and methods:

a search, location, recovery, selection and consultation of non-serial and serial publications was carried out in the Scopus, Scielo and Redalyc databases. For the analysis of the information, the theoretical methods Inductive-deductive, Analytical-synthetic, Modeling and Systemic-structural-functional were applied.


A deductive model was constructed consisting of 13 dimensions and 58 observable variables.


The structure of the proposed deductive model takes into account the specific context of the Cuban economic and social model and the sports system, as well as the new demands of the contemporary global scenario, which is why it becomes a useful background to support subsequent research that, based on empirical data, moves towards an inductive, valid and reliable model.

Palabras clave : Competencies; model; sport; manager..

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