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vol.29 número4R_SVsequia: Nuevo servicio climático automatizado para el monitoreo de la sequía meteorológica en CubaIncidencia de la contaminación atmosférica en las crisis agudas de asma bronquial e infecciones respiratorias agudas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Meteorología

versión On-line ISSN 2664-0880


PENA-DE LA CRUZ, Arisleidys et al. WRF sensitivity in topoclimates of eastern Cuba. Rev. Cubana Met. [online]. 2023, vol.29, n.4  Epub 01-Dic-2023. ISSN 2664-0880.

The research was carried out to evaluate the performance of physical parameterizations and static boundary conditions of the meteorological prediction and research model, WRF, for the study of topoclimates in the eastern region of Cuba. In three stages, short-term local climate simulations were performed with combinations of cumulus, microphysics, and planetary boundary layer parameterizations. In the third stage, the contribution to model performance of the integration of high-resolution national spatial databases as static boundary conditions was also evaluated. ERA5 was used as the initial and boundary conditions data set, with three nested domains at spatial resolutions of 30, 10 and 3.33 km. The study was carried out for the temperature and precipitation of the rainy and dry periods of 2018. The results obtained showed that, of the climatic elements under study, precipitation showed the greatest uncertainty in all experiments and case studies. Similarly, the high-resolution spatial databases that were integrated into the model as static boundary conditions influenced the performance of WRF at the local scale. The best performance of the WRF for the study of topoclimates in the eastern region of Cuba was achieved with the Kain-Fritcsh parameterizations as a cluster, the microphysics of Thompson and Yonsei University as the planetary boundary layer option, active topographic wind by the method of geoform correction.

Palabras clave : Topoclima; tropical islands; local scale.

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