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Revista Cubana de Cirugía

versão On-line ISSN 1561-2945


MACHIN GONZALEZ, Victoriano; VIEITO ESPINEIRA, Rodolfo; FREYRE SERENTILL, Juan Carlos  e  BENITO SOLER, Isabel. Estudio broncoscópico en pacientes con trasplante renal y sepsis respiratoria baja. Rev Cubana Cir [online]. 1997, vol.36, n.2, pp. 109-115. ISSN 1561-2945.

Lower respiratory infection constitutes one of the main problems which should frequently be faced in those patients who had undergone a renal transplantation. A study of 47 transplantated patients was performed. Patients presented with a lower respiratory infection as a complication during January 1993 July, 1995. This work was carried out after making a bronchoscopic study as a way to obtain a microbiological sample of these patients taking into account that the sucess of the renal transplantation depends mostly upon immunologic factors and that the survival rate relies mainly on the presence or absence of infections since the total number of recipients may develop some kind of infection. Gramnegative germs were found to be the most frequently and opportunistic microorganisms were isolated. Absence of complications due to this procedure performed by experts was proved, and there was a great clinical, radiologic, and bronchoscopic correlation

Palavras-chave : KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION [adverse effects]; RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS [etiology]; BRONCHOSCOPY; CANDIDA ALBICANS [isolation & purification]; PNEUMOCYSTS CARINII [isolation & purification]; TUBERCULOSIS, MENINGEAL [isolation & purification].

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