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Revista Cubana de Cirugía
versión On-line ISSN 1561-2945
DIAZ HERNANDEZ, Orestes; PENA DE LA MONEDA, Héctor y CAIROS BAEZ, José. Variantes quirúrgicas para el tratamiento del linfedema primario de pene y escroto. Rev Cubana Cir [online]. 2000, vol.39, n.3, pp. 230-237. ISSN 1561-2945.
Two technical variants of the surgical treatment of primary penile and scrotal lymphoedema used in 2 patients with different clinical characteristics are presented. One of the surgical techniques used consisted in 2 lateral incisions in the scrotal bursae with resection of the lymphoedematous tissue and the other in a single incision in the bursa and reimplantation of the basis of the penis with resection of all the lymphoedematous tissue. In both cases, before attempting the resection of the lymphoedematous tissue the spermatic cord and the testes were removed from their bed to facilitate the operation, to reduce the surgical time and to cause less complications. The own skin of the neck of the scrotal bursa is used in its reconstruction and even to accomodate the testes. By using these techniques, it was not necessary to make a free or pediculate skin graft. Patients recovered the functional capacity of the penis, had an aesthetic improvement and the anguish produced by this disease disappeared
Palabras clave : LYMPHEDEMA [surgery]; PENILE DISEASES [surgery]; SCROTUM [surgery]; GENITAL DISEASES, MALE [surgery].