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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-297X


AQUINO MEDINA, Lilia. Efectos secundarios del tratamiento inmunosupresor con cyclosporina: Revisión bibliográfica. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 1996, vol.33, n.3, pp. 127-131. ISSN 1561-297X.

A bibliographic review on the sids effects of the treatment with cyclosporine is presented. The cyclosporine is an immunosuppressor substance of selective type acting on the cells of cellular immunity. Some of its side effects of interest for dentistry are: gingival hyperplasia, transitory perioral hyperesthesia, retardation of dental bud, and severe enamel hypoplasias, among others. There is no unanimity of criteria in connection with the relation existing between dosage, time of treatment, age, sex, the concentration of peripheral blood, or the synergism with blockers of the calcium ducts. In spite of the fact that some patients do not improve with the control plaque others and benefitted from this by chemical means or by surgical treatment when it is necessary.

Palabras clave : CYCLOSPORINE [adverse effects]; GINGIVAL HYPERPLASIA [etiology].

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