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vol.41 número2Traumatismos dentales en niños de 12 a 14 años en el municipio San José de las LajasPrevalencia de hábitos deformantes y anomalías dentomaxilofaciales en niños de 3 a 6 años de edad, 2002-2003 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Cubana de Estomatología

versión On-line ISSN 1561-297X


SANCHEZ TORRES, Rosalina; MACHADO MARTINEZ, Miriam; GRAU ABALO, Ricardo  y  VELIS CONCEPCION, Olga Lidia. Sex differences in primary dentition. Rev Cubana Estomatol [online]. 2004, vol.41, n.2, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1561-297X.

A sample of 165 five-years-old children of both sexes, taken from a universe of 568 children making up 21 kindergarten groups in Santa Clara municipality, was studied. Those children who presented with their complete primary dentition were selected. An occlusion study including morphological and functional aspects was performed to compare occlusion in both sexes using CHAID techniques to detect the most outstanding variables by sex and the other variables that may interact with the former. The only noticeable morphological variable was Bogue´s measurement whereas the most evident functional variables were sucking habits, interference in laterality from several viewpoints and maximum laterality. In this way, it is possible to predict the most likely occlusal characteristics by sex according to the CHAID technique.

Palabras clave : PRIMARY DENTITION [physiology]; BOY; OCCLUSION; SEX.

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